Preguntas frecuentes

  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

    Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking on your username located in the upper right corner, then clicling on the "Cancel my subscription" link.

  • I have a problem! How can I contact you?

    Concat us via đť•Ź (Twitter): @PytterApp

    Also via mail:

  • What will happen if an unexpected error happens while my thread is being published?

    You'll be able to find the thread in the "Drafts" section. The tweets that were already published will be kept that way and you won't be able to edit them. The tweets that weren't published can be edited. Once you're ready to retry to publication, click on the "Retry" button and we'll publish the remaining tweets.

  • Why would publishing a thread fail?

    The most common error is a problem with the attachments (especially with the videos). We try really hard to detect possible errors before publishing the thread, but sometimes detecting all edge cases is not possible. If you think you have a file that is causing our platform to malfunction, please send it to us so we can examine it!

  • Can I schedule a publication and then cancel my subscription?

    You can cancel your subscription at any time, but if at the moment of the publication of a thread you don't have a valid subscription, the thread won't be published and it will be moved back to the 'Drafts' section.

  • Will you support XYZ feature?

    Get in touch with us and we'll consider it!